Monday, March 28, 2011

Garden Move

Well, my move went well this weekend. Despite the few tomato seedlings that my friend Justin destroyed & the few that just didn't make it, most of my garden took it well! Only a few windburnt leaves on the Kerria Japonica (Japanese Rose) & 2-3 others. I'll get some updated pics on here soon. I resowed my paste & slicing tomatoes because they were either killed in the move or just didn't look great (thanks, floating pellet tray!). Luckily, it's only the end of March, so they will only be delayed a month or so (be hard to get the July 4th maters, maybe). I'm also sowing an herb garden soon, too! Take care & Happy Gardening, all! =) - Steve

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sungold Select II Seedling

Just a quick post. Figured I'd share a picture I took last night of my most mature Sungold Select II cherry tomato seedling. Isn't it beautiful? =)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seedling Update. Tomatoes, Peppers & More!

They are all growing great, except for the dill weed. I just can never seem to get dill weed to stand up well from the time it sprouts throughout its whole lifespan. It needs to be tied down, but is too delicate! lol...Here are some pictures of the beautiful babies...

Garlic Chives (looking very healthy & dark green):

Garlic (planted in the from my friend Adrian):

Tomato seedlings (this is most of them...also have 6-8 in 1 gallon pots which are Amish Paste, San Marzano Lungo No 2, Placero & one other variety I forget right now):

Chadwick Cherry Tomato:

Chocolate Cherry Tomato:

Sungold Select II:

Pepper Seedlings (this is most of them...also have 6 or so in 1 gallon pots):

California Wonder Bell:

Golden Marconi (happy that I have 4 very healthy seedlings of these! Tasty sweet golden pepper great for grilling & such):

The milk weed "test plant" is still doing fine, but still fallen over. I plan on sowing one more tray of seeds (not sure what yet) then also planting some more garlic. Things are coming along well! Many signs of Spring are showing too. Both my Wineberry Raspberry & Triple Crown Blackberry plants are growing leaf nodes (around 1 cm in length). Also, my Kerria Japonica (Japanese Rose) is growing leaf nodes (1-2 cm in length). Spring is in the air & even though I unfortunately have to move again within the next month or so (means no raised bed use. :( ), I plan on still having a great garden this year to make up for last year. Take care & happy gardening!!! =)