Tuesday, November 22, 2011

tn_veggie_gardner is back!!! =)

I know it's been a while since I've posted on here & I want to apologize to my dedicated followers for that. I have had both of my hip replacements done & am in a nice duplex/house where I can have a great garden again. In the time between my last post on here & this one, I lived 3 different places, had one of my surgeries & also had to have my garden taken care of by my aunt for a few months. Crazy, huh? =) I plan on trying Winter sowing again & also soon will be ordering my usual round of seeds from Baker Creek, and probably a few supplies from Greenhouse Megastore. For now, here are a few pictures I've taken over the last month or so...

A few pics of my Red Dragon Flower. After having a few plants of this (and giving away a few, then growing a few more from single stems) for 3+ years, I finally got to see a bud & flower!

My Dwarf Lime Tree, now about 4 years old. She's getting big! I say this every year, but hopefully I'll get some limes off it this year!

A few cherry tomato pictures. None of these plants turned out too well since I was recovering from surgery & unable to take care of them, but that doesn't mean I didn't get any maters or cool pics of them! :)

I got the usual mid Summer cheapie $1 tray of 8 pepper plants from my fave nursery, and as always, most of them grew well. The 4 I managed to bring back to my house grew excellent. The 4 I left at the not-a-green-thumb-aunt's house did not do well. ;)

Some berries, almost all of which went to the squirrels. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

A pic of my aunts pretty (unknown) Hibiscus.

Some pretty flowers I found growing on the Stones River side of the dam.

A lil critter pic from work.

Hope you like the pics & look for more posts to come soon regarding my Winter Sowing! Happy Gardening!!! - Steve/tn_veggie_gardner