Monday, May 9, 2011

A few weekend updates

Thanks to Mother Nature calming back down, my plants went back outside Saturday afternoon. I think though, they somehow got a little wind/cold burn on 4-5 of the mater plants though, when they were inside (prob cuz I had window open those 37 degree nights...good job, Steve!). :-\ Stuff happens when you garden though that you just have to deal with. I'll give the burnt ones an extra little shot of fertilizer this week to help them recover. All will be well. :) I found a few more signs of Spring & some of the higher heat (Summer soon to come) too!.....

A bud set about to open (I'd say by this weekend!) on one of my Sungold Select II cherry tomato plants:

First open Blackberry flower! Probably about 100 buds on this plant; Not nearly as many as the Wineberry Raspberry plant has, but still enough:

Last, but certainly not least, is a pic of this supposedly invasive plant I saw at my friends house on Friday (while we were drinkin a few beers & cookin some dang good ribs!). I think i'm gonna try and get him to split it/give me some. Love the little blue flowers! Some kind of Cane Grass, he says:

Happy Gardening, all!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gardening Awesomeness!

Just want to throw a few pics up that I took yesterday of some new growth I have recently found in my garden, along with a funny picture of everything I had to bring back in for a few days, thanks to mother nature. I love the Spring!!! =)

Fall planted garlic, except for the 4-5 small ones you see on the outer rim, which I planted in late Winter to make up for the squirrel destruction:

Grape plants all miserably intertwined together, since I forgot to train the

Kerria Japonica (Japanese Rose) babies!!! So excited to see that the mother plant threw out 3 of them this year! One a few inches tall right by main stem of mother plant, one bottom left of pot & one bottom right of pot:

Wineberry Raspberry bud pictures again. Love this plant! Tons & tons of buds should mean tons & tons of berries:

With low's in the 30's & 40's until Saturday night, I had to bring everything in hopefully for the last time. Mighty jungle, eh? =):

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nursery Bought Plants

Some of you that know me, know that each year when I go to my favorite nursery to buy my container mix, I usually pick up a few veggie plants. This year, I got a Tomatillo & a Bradley Tomato. I have also already bought a Jalapeno plant (not pictured below) since I like to can some & also make Chipotle's, and I forgot to get Jal seeds this year. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the Tomatillo does. They will be great for salsa! =)

Happy Gardening! - Steve