Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gardening Awesomeness!

Just want to throw a few pics up that I took yesterday of some new growth I have recently found in my garden, along with a funny picture of everything I had to bring back in for a few days, thanks to mother nature. I love the Spring!!! =)

Fall planted garlic, except for the 4-5 small ones you see on the outer rim, which I planted in late Winter to make up for the squirrel destruction:

Grape plants all miserably intertwined together, since I forgot to train the

Kerria Japonica (Japanese Rose) babies!!! So excited to see that the mother plant threw out 3 of them this year! One a few inches tall right by main stem of mother plant, one bottom left of pot & one bottom right of pot:

Wineberry Raspberry bud pictures again. Love this plant! Tons & tons of buds should mean tons & tons of berries:

With low's in the 30's & 40's until Saturday night, I had to bring everything in hopefully for the last time. Mighty jungle, eh? =):

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve,
    I found your blog through the GardenWeb blog list post. I am in the same boat as you... lugging plants in at night and back out again in the morning. (I'm in Minnesota z4) I am sick of the jungle in the house, I can't wait to get it all outside for good! Hopefully we're out of the woods. Good luck to you. I look forward to following your progress.

