Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 Garden Seed List Draft

These are most the veggies, fruits & such that I will attempt to grow this year (or want to grow, at least, as I'll run out of space). I may add a few more as the year goes on. This doesn't mean I'll be able to sow them all either, as some like Stevia are hard to sow, but I'll sure as he** try! =)

Golden Nugget Tomato
Coyote Tomato
Chadwick Cherry Tomato
Placero Cherry Tomato
Super Sweet 100 Tomato
Amish Paste Tomato
Orange Banana Tomato
San Marzano Lampadina Tomato
Sungold Select II Cherry Tomato
Yellow Pear Tomato
Celebrity Tomato
Wild Everglades Tomato
Dr. Wyche's Yellow Tomato
Amazon Chocolate Tomato

Thai Dill
Broad Leaf Sage

California Wonder Bell Pepper
Golden Marconi Pepper
Long Thin Red Cayenne Pepper
Cowhorn Pepper
Scotch Bonnet Pepper (Yes, I'm
Hawaiian Sweet Pepper
Orange Sweet Pepper
Yellow Bell Pepper
Cherry Bomb Pepper

Thai Green Cucumber

Sara's Galapagos (Tiny Currant like fruit with tomato flavor)
Tigger Melon
Sugar Baby Watermelon
Dwarf Pomegranate

I think I need to add in some beans. Will definitely start more garlic & probably add a few more other misc. edibles.

Happy Gardening! - Steve\tn_veggie_gardner


  1. The galapagos sound interesting...never heard of them. Looks like you are going to have quite a garden going on - a little on the spicy side! :D


  2. Thanks. =) That's just the way I like it! lol. I'm sure I'll post on here about the Galapagos maters & my progress with them. Will sow around the usual time of early February.
