Friday, February 10, 2012

Seedlings So Far

I have a small handful of seedlings already growing. Some are Winter Sown herbs & the 2 peppers are from a seed viability test (where the seeds obviously ended up still being somewhat ok). I didn't expect to have pepper seedlings growing their 3rd sets of leaves in mid February! =) I will do my best to keep them in the appropriate conditions indoors, until late April/early May when I feel it's ok to move them outdoors. Below are a few pics of them.

This first pic shows my 2 Cowhorn Pepper seedlings in the front, along with a Thai Dill & a Broad Leaf Sage seedling in the back. The Sage has since started to grow another set of leaves.

This second pic is of my other 2 Thai Dill seedlings. I let these 2 grow for a bit longer in the peat pot & them seem to have taken to the potting up a lot better than the one above. The one above took almost 2 weeks after potting up before it started to grow again.

I also started a tray of seeds in peat pellets (the peat pellet greenhouse) this past Sunday. This time, I am ready for an awesome, fast germination rate, as I have all the potting up supplies already. I will try to post a pic of them this weekend, along with the 6 typed of veggies I'm growing in the greenhouse. I think I have 2 herbs, a sem-hot pepper, bell peppers & 2 types of tomatoes.

Until then, take care & Happy Gardening! - Steve

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