Monday, July 6, 2009

First Round Of Pictures At The New Townhome

Here they are, in no particular order. Short & sweet update They're all camera phone pictures, so be a bit forgiving if they are not the best =) Click on them for a better view.

My Wife's African Violets:

The Crappy Orange Cherry Tomato plant. I put it in a better location today (more sun), so maybe that will help:

The Dwarf Lime Tree (growing nice still):

Foam Flower:

Garlic Chives:

My Daughter Emily's Indian Princess Nasturtiums:

The Red Dragon Flower:

Russian Sage:


Texas Sweet Onions:


Triple Crown Blackberries:

Wineberry Raspberries:

Steve's Garden At The New Townhome:

The Tomatoes:

The Big Monster Cherry Tomato Plants:

87 inches! =)

The Early Girl plants. One I didn't think would make it now has wee maters growing on it & is doing fine! =) Check out all the old damage...

The San Marzano Tomatoes...Some wee maters on these...finally!

The Pepper Garden:

California Wonder Bell Peppers:

Hungarian Wax Peppers (Two new babies on this):

The "Hyponex Experiment" Jalapeno Plant & It's single awesome looking Jalapeno:

Almost 3 inches long...

A few other Jalapeno plants:

Finally, I bought this little herb garden in a box deal at Target for $1. I figured it would be a neat little herb garden I could grow for Fall & Winter use. =)

1 comment:

  1. Are you able to plant stuff in the ground at your new home? You might be able to put together a small raised bed for next year's tomatoes.
