Friday, July 31, 2009

Full Garden Update: End Of July

It's been about 2 weeks since my last full garden update. A lot has changed. My Bell Peppers (California Wonder) are finally starting to fruit. I have a ton of mini hot peppers on different plants. I continue to harvest a few cherry tomatoes each day or two. Several Early Girl tomatoes should be ready to pick in about 2 weeks or so. My new additions are mostly doing well. The Tabasco pepper plant did not make it, but that's ok because I have a ton of other various peppers growing & being harvested. Steve's Garden goes well. =) Updates on each plant are below.

Dwarf Banana Tree (Did not do much for the first week or so & made me worry. It has started to grow two more leaves/branches though, so all should be well):

Pickling Cucumbers (They have way outgrown their original bed & are starting to intrude on the tomatoes & yellow wax

Yellow Wax Beans (Growing nicely, at about a foot tall. They should start flowering in 2-3 weeks):

California Wonder Bell Pepper (Finally there's a Bell growing on this one after the first 15-20 flowers just dropped off. I think the crazy weather this year has something to do with that):

"World's Hottest" Habanero Pepper (There has to be close to 100 buds on this thing. Already 8-10 little Habs growing. Soon i'll have more than I can handle):

Hot Hungarian Wax Pepper (Continues to produce well. I should have 2-3 more off it in a week or so):

The "Hyponex Experiment" Jalapeno Pepper (4 new Jal's growing on it. The leaves look yellowish, so the poor quality Hyponex Potting Soil continues to strain the plant):

Jalapeno Pepper (My other Jalapeno Early Organic plant. Faring quite a bit better than The Hyponex Experiment one):

Serrano Pepper (Probably over 4 feet tall & just like my Habanero, it has 100 or so buds on the top of it. Some are wee 1 inch peppers, some flowers & some yet to open. This plant should also overload me with peppers soon):

Yellow Bell Pepper (Still yet to give me one Bell. That's what I get for buying it from a chain

Chocolate Mint:


Lemon Balm:

Mammoth Dill Weed (Still in the process of "going to seed"):

Dwarf Lime Tree (Continues to grow well. Hopefully, i'll get some limes off it next year):

Garlic Chives:

Strawberries (Leaf sets are starting to get big on one of the two plants, so I might get a handful of strawberries this year):

Thai Basil:


Triple Crown Blackberry:

Wineberry Raspberry:

Early Girl Tomato (Growing like mad! Each plant probably has 20-30 tomatoes growing on it, if not more. Some of them will start ripening very soon. Yay!):

The Infamouse "Monster Cherry Tomatoes" (Whole plant pics are kind of hard to make out with the pine tree in the background, but I wanted to at least try and take some of the complete plants. The larger one in the third pic is from an angle where you can't see too many of the tomatoes on it. The fourth pic is of 4 seedlings from one of the plants/tomatoes):

San Marzano Organic Tomatoes (About a 90% BER fatality rate on these so far. Probably 40 or so all started off with BER. I know am doubtful as to the "only the first bunch or two will get BER" theory about these. I'll probably go back to Roma's next year because of this. The second & third pics are of a few sets that have not yet developed BER):

Foam Flower:

Stephanie's African Violet (not sure on the care of this plant, so it's barely making it):

Indian Princess Nasturtiums (I think I followed the wrong advice on these (took out of full sun) & that's why they now look like pitiful spaghetti):

Red Dragon Flower (Looking cooler & cooler every day. I can't wait until it flowers!):

Russian Sage (Pretty purple flowers on this now):

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