Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Garden Update: Real Harvests Are Starting!

Welcome back to Steve's Garden. Some of you may be aware that i've already pulled about 40-50 or so Cherry tomatoes. They were all quite tasty! I've also harvested about 5-6 Hot Hungarian Wax peppers, 2 Jalapeno peppers, some herbs & various other small harvests. Well, the pictures below will explain this better, but starting last week, my Early Girl tomatoes are ripening & I probably have well over 150-200 peppers on several different plants that will be ready to pick within the next week or two! Not to mention, I am constantly picking herbs, have pickling cukes well on their way & beans soon to flower. I imagine i'll have a constant flow of fresh veggies for the rest of the season, which is awesome! =)

Here is a round of pictures of only the plants harvested off of already or very soon to be harvested...

First off are a few pictures of some maters I yanked off the plants within the past few days.

My favorite, the Early Girl tomatoes i've picked within the last few days (3 of the maters pictured are from my neighbor):

Cherry tomatoes (This is about 2 days worth off 2 plants. I'll be waiting 2 weeks or so for the next set to come in & start to ripen.):

Next, an update on my dwarf fruit trees.

Dwarf Banana Tree (This thing is taking off bigtime! I love it! Heck, it might be 2-3 feet tall before I have to take it indoors for the Winter.):

Dwarf Lime Tree (Continues to get new growth at the same rate.):

Early Girl Tomato Update (I was so excited to get my first ripe EG this year! With all the crazy weather throwing everyone's plants off where their maters won't ripen, I was a bit worried. Almost every tomato in the following pictures will probably start to ripen & be picked within the next week or two.):

Pepper Plant Update...

Hot Hungarian Wax & One Jalapeno:

California Wonder Bell & Yellow Bell (Cali Wonder first, then Yellow. Both of which now have 4-5 peppers growing on them! I didn't think I would get many of these this year as they just started finally producing fruit about 2 weeks ago.):

Isn't she beautiful?!?! =)

"World's Hottest Habanero" (This plant has probably 40+ Habs growing on it with many more to come soon.):

The "Serrano Tree" (lol...I call it a tree because the dang thing is probably over 4 feet tall now. It also has probably 30-40+ peppers growing on it & many more soon to come.):

The "Hyponex Experiment" Jalapeno (Continues to show yellowing leaf stress/malnutrition from crappy soil, but still producing! It probably has about 6-7 Jals on it currently.):

Pickling Cucumber bed & Yellow Wax Bean bed (cukes still trying to take over, but they've luckily taken to the bamboo I am trying to get them to grow on. I should have a few to pick quite soon!):

My experimental Cherry tomato seedlings, grown from seeds picked out of one of my "Monster Cherry Tomatoes.":

1 comment:

  1. do you get actual fruit from the dwarf trees? are they hard to care for?

    -rebecca (new-gardener123 on gardenweb)
