Monday, April 12, 2010

Better Picture of First Tomato & Sungold Flowers Open!

The subject explains it all. I have two small tomatoes (about 1 cm thick) growing on one of my Wisconsin 55 plants now. The first pic is of one of them. I also have 2-3 more small tomatoes on other plants that are still too tiny to take a good picture of. The second picture is of one of the few Sungold tomato flowers now sopen! Yay! I' m really excited about growing Sungold this year. It' a sweet orange cherry tomato that's a favorite of many.


  1. Great job! I have blooms on my tomatoes too!!

  2. Thanks! =) I am very determined to get my July 4th tomatoes this year! lol...I got a little upset last year when I didn't get anything but cherry tomatoes until mid August. I started them at the end of March last year, I believe.

    - Steve
