Sunday, April 18, 2010

A few weekend pictures of new growth

A small update on a few of my favorite plants this year that have been dramatically changing/growing over the past 2 weeks or so...

Dwarf Lime Tree (Tons of new growth...looking great! I may get a few limes off it this year):

Dolly Madison & Canna Flower Bed (Hopefully, a few more Cannas will pop up to fill in the center):

Close-up of Orange Cannas (These are beautiful flowers when they bloom!):

Garlic Chive Flower Buds (I'm excited about these! First year i've seen flowers starting on these 3rd year chives):

Nasturtiums (5 out of the 20 or so have germinated already...Should hopefully be a full basket of them soon!):

The 2 Biggest Tomatoes So Far (These should be my first 2 non-cherry tomatoes to ripen...They are about golf ball sized right now!):

Strawberry Bed (Some huge leaves on these things...They grow about a set a day & have had 2 flowers bloom so far):


  1. Looks good Steve! I don't think I'll have any more strawberries at the swap this year. They are blooming and probably won't finish setting fruit until after the swap we'll see though!

  2. It does look good. Soon those Cannas will take over. Waiting to have a full basket of Nasturtiums myself...I have to wait three years for chive blooms?????????geez.

  3. Thanks Dave & Darla! =)

    Dave: You always have such cool plants at the swap. I would love to trade with you for some herbs, if you'll have any there.

    Darla: I hope they'll be taking over! lol...I planted 3 last Fall. I have 3 already this year, but they're all on the right side. I need some on the left & middle too where the other two were planted! =) Re the chives. I think mine didn't bloom last year cuz I cut them back mid Summer for culinary uses. ;-) I imagine, if you grow them from seed, that you should get at least 1-2 blooms, if not more, in the second year. Maybe even in the first if you fertilize them. I didn't fertilize my chives at all the first 2 years. I used only a tiny bit so far this year & they seem to love it.

    - Steve
