Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Middle Tennessee Plant Swap Garden Additions

This past Saturday, the 17th, I attended the Fall MTPS (Middle Tennessee Plant Swap) with about 30 other great kind awesome people! I brought home some beautiful plants. Some of which will make up my new flower garden. I also got several neat herbs which will be my indoor Winter herb garden & more. Below are some pictures of them along with identification. Thanks again to all the great friends from the MTPS who gave me(or traded for) these new additions! =)

UPDATE: All unidentified plants have been named. =) Thanks to some of my gardening friends on here & on GardenWeb for help with them.



Bee Balm:

Cereus Tetragonus 'Fairy castle' Cactus:


Grape Hyacinth: (Thanks a ton, Evelyn! There must have been over 30 wee bulbs in the lot you gave me!)

Kerria Japonica (Japanese Rose):

Close-up of Kerria Japonica:

Dragon's Blood & Blue Spruce Sedums: (Thanks Jenn F. & Dave for the identification help!)

Cereus Peruvianus Monstrose Cactus:

Strawberry Bed: (Thanks Dave, these should do well. Half of them have already started straightening up!)

Kalanchoe Daigremontiana (aka Bryophyllum Daigremontianum...also known as Alligator Plant & Mother Of A 1000): (I love this plant! It drops wee lil babies into the soil)

UT Orange Canna's: (Jeff: If you see this, you're proud of me now, right? ;) )


Old & New African Violets, Lemon Lime Basil & My Target $1 Plant Tests:

Herbs (Parsley, Greek Oregano, Cilantro, some type of Purple Basil, some other herb I forgot the name of (in bottom left corner), and my new Red Dragon Flower cuttings. Thanks, Wanda!):

Indian Mint (Deffinitely one of my new favorites!):

Wandering Jew:


  1. one of your succulents is blue spruce sedum
    Jenn F.

  2. At my house we used to call your "unknown succulent" a tear drop cactus (not its botanical name of course) and it was a house plant.
    palmetto gardener

  3. I always herd it called a Mother Of A THOUSAND.


  4. Hey Steve!

    The purple sedum is a 'Dragon's Blood' Sedum. And Jenn is right the other is 'Blue Spruce'. You can break parts of these off to make more anytime you want.

  5. Thanks for the help with the identification, y'all! =)

  6. Wow! You skored big at teh swap. Do you have a real sunny spot for your indoor garden/ i want to bring some herbs in but i don't think I have a good spot.

  7. Man, I should have read that first SCORED - I never did learn to read!

  8. Yea, I have a real sunny spot that they all are happily living in currently. I'm wicked stokoed with my Fall MTPS plants so far! =)

    - Steve
