Tuesday, March 2, 2010

An update on the veggies that are growing so well!

The first round of tomatoes, at 35 days from seed in dirt (when pictures were taken Friday February 26th), are doing great! I really think the Foliage Pro 9-3-6 fertilizer & a better container potting mix are helping tremendously. =)

The 2nd round of tomatoes, started from seed on February 11th (except for the 2 on the bottom right, which were started a week before the others in this set):

The wee pepper seedlings. I didn't get that great of a germination rate in this Germination Station. So, next time I use it, I will try a different seed starting mix (one that doesn't dry out so quickly!):


  1. I need someone to tell me a good seed starting mix...I have had the worst luck this year....looking good here!

  2. Thanks! Let me know if you figure out something that works well for a seed starting mix. I've always just used the pellets which work great or some regular ole MG Potting mix, which seems to just work ok (takes forever for seeds to germinate). It would be wonderful to find something that works just as well as the pellets in greenhouses method so I can skip one of the transplant/potting up stages. =)

    - Steve
