Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekend Work

I set out wanting to accomplish one gardening task this weekend, prepare my fruit garden bed. Despite the cold temperatures, cloudy overcast & occasional rain, I got about 2 good hours of gardening work done. I got the fruit bed prepared...Well, it's actually the fruit & flower bed now. I didn't want to try and move my Kerria Japonica or UT Orange Canna's. So, flowers on the left (Canna's & 5 Dolly Madison bulbs), Kerria Japonica as the centerpiece. Then the strawberry bed and finally my 2 Niagra grape plants with trellace on the right. The grape plants already have some small growth on them too! I love the way it looks already, even though it will look 100 times better in a month or so when the bulbs start to come up, KJ blooms, grapes grow, etc.. I still need to add a top layer of mulch/soil around the flowers & KJ, but i'll probably wait until after they come up before I add it so it doesn't inhibit them popping through. A few pics I took of the fruit & flower bed after finishing the work...

By the way, I HATE CRABGRASS!!! lol

The whole thing:

The flower bed (doesn't look like much yet with everything still being below ground!):

The Kerria Japonica (Absolutely beautiful plant when it blooms):

The strawberry bed:

The Niagra grape plants (looks like I just stuck two twigs in the ground, huh? =) ):

One more tidbit...I cleaned out all the pine needles, leaves & weeds from my container strawberries. They are starting to grow. =)

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