Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My First True Raised Bed

This will be a learning experience for me, for sure. In all my years of gardening, I have never grown in a true raised bed. I'm thinking maybe all garlic & onions? lol...Should be fun, one way or another. I'm researching soil pretreatment on it now, with the help of some friends on GardenWeb. Here's a before picture of it with all the dead wildflowers, weeds, etc. & an after picture. I dug out about the top foot of the whole thing, to try and get rid of all the old plants there. There was one root about a foot or so long by a few inches wide that took a while to get out of there! Anyway, i'm gonna fill it with compost and some good soil soon. Gotta find some compost first. :)


After about 30 minutes of digging out all the old weeds, wildflowers, etc. & tilling up the soil a bit. Looks good so far & not too hard to do:


  1. It looks like you have a creek back there - good source for watering your garden! Think compost, compost, compost! Sugar snap peas would be great too. Once they are done let them decompose and return the nitrogen to the soil!

  2. Thanks, Darla & Dave. I imagine I will fill it with about half compost (probably one scoop will do), and then half of my potting mix on top of that. I'm gonna just let it sit for now & see if anything pops through, until I can get the compost. Still not sure what i'm gonna grow in it, but it will certainly be some type of veggie! =)
