Thursday, April 23, 2009

2009 Garden Seedling Pictures: April 22nd

A lot of things have changed since my last garden update. The most upsetting was that my Southport White Globe Onions I attempted to start from seed did not work out. They all just seemed to fall over and die. :( I may try again with them, directly sowing the seeds in their final/only home. I'll have to wait a week or so until I do my next Home Depot run though. My Mucho Nacho Jalapeno seeds arrived last week! I also have some Cayenne pepper seeds I want to plant too. This will all be done towards the end of the month, when I get paid again. I have also trimmed down the amount of plants I have, since i'm limited to my apartment porch for planting them. I gave several away to friends & co-workers that I know will take good care of them.

I decided on 3 store bought plants this year (not including my Dwarf Lime Tree that may or may not arrive in the next few years...Spring Hill Nursery will not be ordered from again by me). I bought a bunch (set) of Texas Sweet onions to make me feel a bit better about loosing all of my Southport seedlings. They seem to be doing quite well and also growing at a nice rate. I had to toss about a 1/3rd of them and clean-up/trim the ones I planted. I also bought some strawberries (vine type). I have a 4 ft tall trellis for them to climb on. I don't like to buy plants from any store/nursery that already have buds, flowers, fruit, etc., so it took me a while to pick those out. Most of the strawberry plants had nasty looking mini-fruits or plant damage. Good news!!!...I found one runner this morning when checking out this plant, so I may have strawberries soon! I also bought a Yellow Bell Pepper plant just cuz I love bell peppers. =) They were all purchased at Home Depot this past Friday, April 17th.

Anyways, here are some pictures of all my garden plant types (a few of each) as of yesterday. As always, comments, suggestions, questions, etc. are welcome. -Steve

Store bought Strawberries:

Store bought Texas Sweet Onions:

Store bought Yellow Bell Peppers:

California Wonder Bell Peppers:

My "Monster Cherry Tomatoes":

Mammoth Dill Weed:

Bush Strawberries:

These took their stated 4 weeks to sprout...makes me wonder if it's going to take them a year to grow an inch tall, at this

Early Girl Hybrid Tomatoes:

Indian Princess Nasturtiums:

I didn't get a picture of the best set of these, in my hanging basket, but will try to soon.

Garlic Chives:

These continue to self-seed babies!

Awww....ain't they cute! =)

Jalapeno Early Organic Peppers:

San Marzano Organic Tomatoes:

Serrano Peppers:

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