Thursday, May 21, 2009

2009 Garden Pictures: May 18th

My apartment porch container garden has expanded quite a bit since my last full garden update post on May 9th. This is mostly thanks to the MTPS (Middle Tennessee Plant Swap). It was loads of fun...awesome plants, great Southern cooking & great people to share it with! =) Below are some updated pictures of my garden. I have a ton of buds showing up & two flowers opened as of this morning, May 21st. I'm going to try and organize my update posts alphabetically by the plant name I use (local PC folder name) so that they'll stay in the same order from now on.

A few notes: My Dwarf Lime Tree finally arrived & looks very healthy. Though, I will still never order from Spring Hill Nurseries again. There are some plants missing on here, most of which were traded for other ones at the MTPS. There are a few plants I did not take to the MTPS which I do not have a picture of on this update. I forgot to take a picture of my Yellow Tomatoes, Nasturtiums (2 out of 3 given away at MTPS) & Elephant Garlic (just sitting in the pot not growing waiting for the Fall sibce it was already pulled out of the ground once this year). I don't have one posted of my Mucho Nacho Jalapeno germination progress, as the birds have interfered in it! grrrrrr!!!. As always, please e-mail me if you have any questions, or post a comment on here. Peace - Steve

Bannana Pepper (given to me by my father-in-law a little over a week ago...still a wee seedling):

California Wonder Bell Peppers (only one shown, even though I have at least one more):

Cheapie Store Bought Red Sweet Peppers (Yolo Wonder, I believe is the true name):

Cherry Tomatoes (aka "Monster Cherry Tomatoes," my first plant to flower):

Dill Weed:

Dwarf Lime Tree (FINALLY arrived this past Monday, the 18th, and in great condition too! Yay!):

Early Girl Hybrid Tomatoes (buds appeared over a week ago):

Garlic Chives:

Jalapeno Early Organic Peppers (One of which is the plant used in my "Hyponex Experiment"):

MTPS Plants:

***A lot of these have already been potted up (not shown below) or are awaiting funds to be potted up.***

Baby Gold Goldenrod:


Chocolate Mint:

Foam Flower:

Hot Pepper Flat (various types, all currently unknown):

Lemon Balm:


Native Columbine:

Red Dragon Flower (one of my new favorites!):

Russian Sage (ornamental):



Triple Crown Blackberries (part of my berry garden this year...mmmmm):

Wineberry Raspberries (another part of my berry garden...also

End of MTPS Plants

San Marzano Organic Tomatoes (buds appeared about a week ago...a bit early for this variety. I'm excited about this!):

Serrano Peppers:

Store Bought Runner Strawberries:

Store Bought Texas Sweet Onions (only one pot left of these, as I used the other for my newly arrived Elephant Garlic. =) I gave the onions I took out of it to my father-in-law):

Store Bought "World's Hottest Habanero's":

Store Bought Yellow Bell Peppers:

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