Friday, May 29, 2009

2009 Garden Pictures: May 27th

This is an exciting update, as the wait for blooms on my tomato plants (at least one of them) is over. Also, with the crazy heat & humidity lately, a lot of my various pepper plants have started bolting quite nicely! As always, please feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, etc.. If you'd like your Gardening blog linked on here, please also let me know. Thanks - Steve

Bananna Pepper (A little bit of growth on this one):

California Wonder Bell Pepper (Growing very nicely since being potted up to its final container):

Cheapie Target Red Sweet (Yolo Wonder) Pepper:

Cherry Tomatoes (First one is over 4 feet tall now with at least 3 bud clusters, if not more. Two of which have a few flowers open...see previous blog post & One of which I found a wee mater growing on this morning! =) I'll post my first wee mater pics sometime this weekend):

One of the handfull of bud clusters from the first plant above...

Dill Weed (May end up removing the 2nd plant in this pot as the first one is taking over & making it so the smaller plant isn't getting the light it needs):

Dwarf Lime Tree (Almost doubled in size since I received it a little over a week ago! Very healthy plant):

Early Girl Hybrid Tomatoes (I expect these to be the next of my tomato plants to flower...Probably by the end of this weekend...bud pics below):

Emily's Indian Princess Nasturtium's (This basket is all I have left of them...recently added an inch or so thick layer of Canadian Sphagnum Peat on the top):

Garlic Chives (Unfortunately at a stand still for the last 2 weeks or so. I have yet to figure out why. Hopefully, the knowledgable folks on GardenWeb will be able to help me with this one):

Jalapeno Early Organic Peppers (The first one, the "Hyponex Experiment" still goes very well after almost 3 weeks!):

MTPS Plants:

Baby Gold Goldenrod (Starting to flower a little bit):


Chocolate Mint (Growing a nice runner with 3 more of the stems/plants coming up from it! =) ):

Columbine (Not doing too much...just growing at a normal buds or flower stems yet):

Foam Leaf Plant (Still growing nicely, but apparently still quite young):

Hot Peppers (various unknown...budding nicely & should have open flowers soon!):

Lemon Balm (Still growing like mad):

Mint (Bolting nicely since being potted up):

Red Dragon Flower (Not doing much at all except still looks fine. Maybe I need to feed it?):

Russian Sage (Growing, but slowly):



Triple Crown Blackberry (Next on my list of things desperately needing to be potted up):

Wineberry Raspberries (First one needs to be potted up very soon):

End of MTPS Plants

Mucho Nacho Jalapeno (On the left...Growing very slowly...probably have to overwinter this one & wait for peppers next year.):

Nursery Bought Yellow Tomato (Growing quite fast!):

San Marzano Organic Tomatoes (Bud pic included...will probably start flowering in about 2 weeks):

Serrano Pepper:

Store Bought Everbearing Runner Strawberries (Hopefully start sending out runners soon):

Store Bought Texas Sweet Onions (Not doing much of anything...I'm guessing you need a lot of patience to grow

Store Bought "World's Hottest Habanero" Pepper (Bolting nicely! Still haven't taken the time to see what actual variety of Habanero this is.):

Store Bought Yellow Bell Pepper (Getting buds that will hopefully open soon):

Sweet Basil (In the middle...Another late fast though):

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