Monday, May 11, 2009

2009 Garden Pictures: May 9th

A short & sweet update. Not much to discuss this time except the three weeks (after this week) straight of rain with little to no sun in between causing my bud production to come almost to a halt. Everything is still growing fine though. I'm a tad worried about my Texas Sweet Onions, as they seem to be getting a tiny bit brown. I'm sure they just want sun like everything else though. =) FYI: The pics this time were taken with my phone, so the quality is nowehere near as good.

My new additions (like I have any space for, Yellow low-acid Tomatoes. I couldn't resist at $1.50 for 4 plants at a favorite local nursery of mine.

Another new addition. My Sweet Red Peppers. They broke through a few days ago and are looking quite nice so far!

I finally received my Mucho Nacho Jalapeno pepper seeds from Jung Seeds. =) Here they are, not yet broken through the soil, after 6 days.

Here's my pepper plethera. The two clear cups & the big plant in the front left are my California Wonder Bell Peppers. The dark green cup in the back left is a Serrano Pepper Plant & the two remaining (tall back right & front middle) are Jalapeno Early Organic Pepper Plants. All of these are slow growing currently due to the unexpected almost 3 weeks straight of rain. They are still quite healthy & will take off well once the sun comes back for a while.

My "Monster Cherry Tomatoes". They are potted in hanging baskets (16x12). They are over 2 feet tall and each have at least one bud set (yet another item slightly stalled due to immense amount of rainy days lately).

Some bud pics from all three of them (third one shown below in plant swap pictures). These are best seen by clicking on the image to get the larger version.

Second branch on the V, take a left & it's about an inch down on the bottom.

About 2 and 1/2 inches from the top, on the right side of the stem.

Follow the bottom branches of the plant & it's right before the final V.

My Early Girl Hybrid Tomatoes. Hopefully, they will start budding soon.

My San Marzano Organic Tomatoes. They are a type that takes a bit to bud (I'm hoping they will start growing some by end of this month, as I want to can some of them).

My Bush Strawberries. They should just grow into early adulthood this year & start producing next Spring. Hopefully, they'll be worth the long wait. Only 2 seeds out of 6 sprouted so far. They are hurting a bit with all the rain (badly need to dry can see the mold forming on them). Hopefully, at least one or two more will eventually sprout.

Indian Princess Nasturtiums. These are growing quite well. They should start flowering in a month or so.

One of these two will probably travel with me to the MTPS this weekend.

Garlic Chives, still doing quite well. They are on their second set of the year. I imagine they'll be ready in 2-3 weeks.

My Texas Sweet Onions. The ones in the brown container are not doing as well as the ones in the white container. I think the fact that they're deeper into it may be the problem. I guess i'll find out soon enough.

My Yellow Bell Peppers. This plant has 3-4 buds on it. One of them dropped off recently due to the weather and the plant not being ready to fruit yet. It's growing very nicely though. =)

A few plants awaiting the local plant swap (MTPS - Middle Tennessee Plant Swap). See the link on the top right of my page. Some of the plants pictured above will also be traveling to the swap. Next post on here, I should have some nice additions to my garden that I received there! :) One of which will be a Native Columbine. I can't wait!

As always, please feel free to e-mail me wwith any questions, comments, etc. that you have or post them on here. - Steve

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