Thursday, June 18, 2009

Baby Hot Peppers & Early Girl Tomato!!! - June 18th

Some of you may be aware of my laborious war with spider mites on my hot pepepr plants last year (if not, read my 2008 garden post about it). I had 11 total hot pepper plants and never got a single pepper off any of them. In fact, I didn't even get as far as having a baby hot pepper! The spider mites (and aphids) obliterated every bud and flower within a day of it opening (flower) or turning light green (bud). Well, I was quite upset & determined to get some stinkin' hot peppers this year! =) I am now already further than I was last year. I have a various (Burpee 5 mixed Hot Peppers) hot pepper plant that has 4 wee baby hot pepeprs growing on it now. The flowers fell off a few days ago. Yay! I think it's a Jalapeno plant, but won't know for a few weeks. I am not "counting my chickens before they hatch" either & still plan on keeping a close eye on all my hot pepper plants a few times daily for spider mites and/or aphids. I plan on ordering a 1000 or so ladybugs to get rid of them if they do show up because everything I tried last year (easily 10+ sprays/home-made repellents well over $50) did not work. Wish me luck! Here's a few pictures of the wee babies growing so far. Sorry for the blurriness. I'll see if I can get the wife to take some better pictures soon. You can see the baby peppers though & that's the point of the pictures. Click on them to get the bigger/full size version to be able to see the peppers.

Wee Baby Hot Peppers:

Next on this update, is my first baby Early Girl Tomato! I'm wicked excited. It's great that I have so many Cherry maters growing, but I want big ones too. =) I found another wee Early Girl to the right of this one (barely out of the picture) this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh I thought I had bug problems last year! I hope all goes well with your peppers and tomatoes!
