Thursday, June 4, 2009

Flower Update: June 4th

I may or may not post my weekly picture update, as there isn't too much of a difference from last week. A lot of plants grew a good bit in length, width, bud sets, etc.. My Yolo Wonder ("Red Sweet Peppers") died due to damping off, which was 110% my fault. I had an incident with my largest Cherry Tomato plant that was upsetting. I hope it will recover though. I found my first Early Girl Hybrid Tomato flower today & my first Indian Princess Nasturtium flower too! =) Some good new, at Pictures below (some a bit blurry due to taking them with my phone camera).

I'll post the good news first. =) Here is a pic I took this morning of my first Early Girl Hybrid Tomato flower...

Three pictures of my first Indian Princess Nasturtium flower. It's extremely beautiful & definitely a candidate for Steve's Garden 2009 Picture Of The Year! I so did not know it was coming either. No evidence of its arrival was present until I noticed a massive flower coming out of one of the three plants in the hanging basket this morning. It could be because they don't grow buds (Do they???). It could also be because the hanging basket is a bit hard to see...

I love the little "tail" it has coming out from the top of the flower...

Now for the bad news. I didn't take a picture of the Yolo Wonder plant that died. I did however take pictures of the Cherry Tomato incident I had. I came home yesterday to find it bent in half somehow. The hanging basket idea, i've found out, is not a good one for this tomato plant (Indeterminate variety, obviously). I had it supported somewhat well though. Apparently, not well enough. I now have it fully supported up to about 1 foot below the top of the plant. I pruned off 2 suckers & one branch that looked like they were going to die from the bend/damage. It sucks, but i'm hoping it will give more energy to the plant to heal its wound. Will the currently growing maters, flowers, buds, etc. above it drop off because of the damage? I hope not, but it's very possible. =( Is there anything I can do to speed up the healing process and make sure buds, maters, etc. don't fall off it (above wound) while its healing? I do not know, but if it starts to look like it won't make it, I sure as heck will Google the crap out of this issue to see if I can save my baby! The "Monster Cherry Tomato" plants must live on! =)

The whole plant, after the "incident." The picture below it is a Before pic from about a week ago. Notice how much nicer it looked then. :-\

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