Monday, June 29, 2009

Steve's Garden Expanded...

I have now finished moving in to a townhome. No more apartment balcony gardens for me! =) Less than a full day since the old apartment was left for good,I already want to put in a Coy pond & ;-) Anyways, 3 Alleve couldn't alleviate the muscle aches I have, but I have accomplished a lot. My kids now have a huge deck to play on & I have a huge yard for Steve's Garden...

We'll begin with my

first harvest!!!!

I've already used the heck out of some herbs, fresh from my garden. Finally, after last year's 11 plants didn't ever make it past the flowers (never a single pepper due to spider mites & aphids), my first harvest is 2 Hungarian Wax Peppers, turned yellow a day after arriving at their new home. This offsets the tomato plant disaster, which i'll show you about in a few (*shiver*)...

From this plant...

Speaking of pepper, what's new with that "Hyponex Experiment" Steve has been going on & on about for weeks & weeks...Here she is, with a 2 inch long Jalapeno, a baby one & 5 flowers I can tell will make at least 3 peppers...


I love this tree...not only does it shade the deck from the worst of the sun, it allows for some nice hanging baskets which I happen to have. =) My Monster Cherry Tomato plants are the only ones to make it through the move w/o any moderate to severe damage. Then, my pine-needle floor with the rest of my plants. Check out the beginning of The New Steve's Garden...

Berries & Herbs...

Peppers (they love it there with the sun protection from too much wind)& a sorry uprooted broken mater plant that probably won't last a a late decision anyways...

The 4 remains of my 2 Early Girl plants & my 2 San Marzano Tomato plants. One of the Early Girl plants got slaughtered by wind & broken twice by me. :-\ It still lives though! I probably won't get a single tomato off it this year, but I will be happy if it makes it. The three others got massive wind burn on the top 2-3 feet and lost about 5-6 branches a piece...Double caged shortly after this picture was taken...


  1. Cool Steve! I'm glad you got your plants settled in and have some space to grow! I think I would be raking up some of those pine needles to cover the soil in your pots, what a great resource!

  2. I bet your tomatoes will do ok! They reroot pretty good from what I hear!
