Monday, June 22, 2009

Baby Peppers, Hyponex Experiment Update & More: June 22nd

The score for this year so far: Steve: 1, Spider Mites & Aphids: 0! =)Yes, I am winning the battle against spider mites and aphids this year. Yay! After seeing my results so far, i'm almost absolutely sure I must have brought them with me from my uncle's 110 year old house. I've seen literally like 1 or 2 so far this year that have been squished immediately.

I found out from some of the helpful folks on GardenWeb that my unknown variety pepper plant is in fact a Hungarian Wax. So, I now have about 4 or 5 baby peppers growing on that plant. I also have one baby Jalapeno growing on the "Hyponex Experiment" plant! A few other miscelaneous updates are also below.

Some of you may be aware that i'm moving to a townhome (that i'm renting) this coming weekend. Even if i'm not allowed to do raised beds or in-ground plating, I will still have quite a bit more space for my container garden. =) I will also be able to give some plants the sunlight they need that they just cannot get in their current environment, my apartment porch. I will try to post one more complete blog picture update before I move.

First, the peppers. The "Hyponex Experiment" goes quite well. The plant continues to grow at a normal rate. It now has one baby Jalapeno on it & several buds soon to open (within the next week or so). Here's a picture of it from this weekend.

My recently found out to be a Hungarian Wax Pepper plant is below. It's a Burpee 5 pepper seed variety pack plant I received from the MTPS that was unknown until it started to grow peppers. I asked a few knowledgable folks about it & found out what it is. As of this morning, I was able to count 5 wee peppers on it from afar. It may in fact have one or two more I can't see just cuz I didn't look too close.

One other plant I received from the MTPS and am continuing to learn more & more about is my Lemon Balm. I spotted a handful of prettty little white flowers on it Saturday! I was worried that the flowers might make it "go to seed", meaning it would no longer taste good or be harvestable. Most people seem to say it's ok to leave the flowers on it. I'm still not 100% sure what I should do though. I'll probably yank all the flowers off just to be safe. A somewhat blurry camera phone picture of the flowers is below.

Last, but certainly not least, is my favorite plant from the MTPS, a Red Dragon Flower. I haven't done any research on this plant yet, but my green thumb has allowed me to keep it alive. =) It didn't do much at all for the first few weeks. In fact, it started to look like it was on its way out. It got a gash in one of the two "main stems." Over the past week or two, this gash has almost completely disappeared & it is growing a ton of little stubs off the main stems. I guess these will grow out & become full-sized eventually. I'm thinking this plant is a hot summer growing plant just because it didn't do anything until it got quite hot recently. Anyways, here are two pics of the baby stubs.


  1. Be very gentle with all your plant "babies" on your move. It is so easy to stress them! Hopefully it isn't far! They will like the room though!

  2. Yea, I don't know how the heck i'm going to move my 6+ foot tall hanging basket Cherry Tomato plants. :-\
