Monday, February 1, 2010

Excellent Germination Rate On Tomatoes!

A short but sweet post for now. All 5 varieties of my tomatoes I started in the Jiffy peat pellet greenhouse are doing great! After 6 days, about 60-70% of the seeds had popped up through the soil and straightened out towards the light. Yesterday, the germination rate was easily over 90%. In fact, they are growing so well that, after only 8 days, I already potted up all the Rutgers to their next home and will probably do so with the rest of them as time allows over the next day or two. Below is a picture of the whole greenhouse full, taken yesterday afternoon before I potted up the Rutgers. The picture was taken after I thinned out/pulled about 30 or so weaker looking seedlings! They are starting to get a bit leggy, but will be moved to a sunny windowsil location very soon, which will hopefully help the legginess to stop like it did last year.

On another note, this year I want to keep better track of mineral levels in my potting mixes to avoid BER & the like. I imagine I will get a pH testing kit, read/research a bit on GardenWeb & also change around the potting mix composition a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Hey wait...are these the same ones that already have buds? How did that happen a month? Impressive
