Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tomatoes & Stuff...

The tomatoes are growing up nice, despite son boy wiping out the cherry tomatoes...silly little boy. =) Most plants are now heavily growing in their 2nd sets of leaves. They'll be on the third set of leaves soon...I love this stage when they take off sideways, slowly grow upwards & form a nice sturdy stem. I think the ceiling fan in the room is making them stronger. If used in moderation, a fan definitely helps.

So, I got my tax return this past Friday & had to go a bit crazy with the gardening stuff. I think I stocked up well on seeds & a few things for the long term garden collection. =)

From Jung, like I originally wanted to do:

California White Garlic
Alibi Hybrid Cucumber
Colorado Potato Beetle Beater
St. Croix Grape
Super Sweet Jubilee Hybrid Sweet Corn
Blue Lake Fm1 Pole Bean
Yellow Pear Tomato
Blue Lake S-7 Stringless Pole Bean
Connecticut Field Pumpkin
Yellow Brandywine Tomato
Mariachi Hybrid Pepper
Sun Sugar Hybrid Tomato
Yummy Pepper

From International Greenhouse Company:

1 Cold Frame Double
2 Seedling Propagation Mats
1 Thermostat for Seedling Mat
1 Germination Station

From my new favorite online seed store...Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds (I love this place!):

Bianca di Maggio Onion
Chocolate Habanero Pepper
Tabasco Pepper
Caribbean Red Habanero Pepper
Thai Red Chilli Pepper
Thai Yellow Chilli Pepper
Sweet Red Stuffing Pepper
Sweet Yellow Stuffing Pepper
Orange Banana Tomato
Sungold Select II Tomato
2 packs Amish Paste Tomato
Roma Rio Grande Tomato
Black Cherry Tomato
Echinacea Purpurea
Bright Green Cap

These are my Tomato Seedling babies so far (see post below for varieties):

- Steve


  1. I sure hope you have enough space for all those maters! I'm fan of Baker's Creek too. Great stuff there!

  2. Well, I do plan on giving away several plants at the MTPS, if I can make it there! My daughter's dance recital may be on the same day. I won't know for sure until sometime in April.
