Friday, February 19, 2010

First pepper seedling update of 2010!

Finally, after painfully waiting for my pepper seeds to germinate, some of them have popped through the soil! =) I counted them last night and so far I have 4 Caribbean Red Habanero's & 3 Sweet Yellow Stuffing Pepper seedlings. I'm excited to get some pepepr plant seedlings started pretty early this year. Especially since most of the seeds I started are heirloom peppers. On another similar note, 2 of my Lavender Hyssop seedlings germinated a few days ago. This is awesome to me, as I hear Lavender is quite hard to grow from seed. I'll post a few pics of these wee babies probably sometime in the next few days.


  1. Congrats on all of your seedlings, so exciting. I have pretty good success with all types of peppers from seed...lavender on the other hand......this is my second year and I have a couple of seedlings up....fingers crossed.

  2. Yea, I hear ya on the crossing fingers Thanks. =)
